Medicine Signs Spiritual Center
A Universalist Church & Spiritual Teachings Center
Serving South Florida, the United States and the World since 1992
Our Services
Medicine Signs Spiritual Center provides a variety of services that has served thousands of people around the world for the past twenty-five (25) years. These services are listed below. You can click on the title for each and go directly to the page where each is explained in more detail, or hover over the "Services" Navigation Bar Page and enter that way.
Sacred Circles: We have four meditation/prayer/discussion Circles in South Florida. See which is closest to you.
Spiritual Classes and Workshops: Tarot, Merkaba, Essential Oils, Reiki, Ministry/Mission/Higher Purpose, and much more.
Spiritual Counseling: Online around-the-world and local in-person.
Prayers and Blessings: If you or your loved one needs prayers and blessings.
Social Life for Singles, Couples and Families: parties, camping retreats, canoe/kayak trips, Everglades bike trips, and much more.
Medicine Signs Renaissance
Academy of Light and Galactic Life Station
In our October 1st Sunday Underground Study Group, an inspirational message came through during the meditation guiding us to a renewed vision of light for Medicine Signs Spiritual Center. How appropriate on our Silver Anniversary (25 years) of service to have a renaissance (rebirth). Read below and see how you can be a part of the Renaissance, for this is an crucial call to all Lightworkers and we invite you to be part of it.
Cathy and I have been reflecting on how to keep the vision of Medicine Signs flourishing. Since its birth in 1992, Medicine Signs has done so much. Take a look for yourself, because on our Silver Anniversary, it's a good time for a review. And, remember, we could not have done it without you:
Conducted over 2000 Sacred Circles.
Between the two of us, provided over 35,000 hours of spiritual counseling, guidance, spiritual readings and healing sessions, which have assisted thousands of people in getting their lives back on track.
Conducted over 500 additional monthly and periodic events: Reiki Nights, Past Life Healing Circles, Karma Healing Circles, The Underground, Spirit Nights, Keys of Enoch Meetings, Lakota Sweat Lodges, Course in Miracles, Ascended Masters Balls, Free Tarot Nights, Yoga Classes, Ministry Graduation Ceremonies and more.
Countless hospital, jail, court and home visits,
Taught 16 Ministry I and II year long courses since 2005 with over 90 graduates who are now Assistant and Associate Ministers in the Church.
Cathy has taught well over 2000 students of Merkaba, Reiki I, II, II and IV, and Tarot Courses and workshops.
Cathy has taught Merkaba and Spiritual Meditation and Healing Techniques throughout the United States and on six continents around the world. She just missed the seventh, Antarctica.
Cathy and I taught a number of spiritual courses at Miami-Dade College: Tarot, Native American Traditions, Sacred Spaces, Healing Your Wounded Inner Children, and so on.
A number of charitable support activities: Toy Drives for Safespace Battered Women's Shelter and Concept House Drug Rehab Family Program, Relay Cancer Walks, Child Abuse Prevention Walks, Stonewall LGBT Protest Event, and more.
Lots of networking with other groups of light, such as Love the Everglades, Universal Brotherhood Ministry, Academy for Future Science, International Merkaba Groups, International Reiki Groups, Magnified Healing Association, and so on.
I suspect there is more, but I think you get the picture. And, we thank you for all your wonderful support and participation over the years! It has allowed Cathy and me to meet the most wonderful people in the world--our Spiritual Family, our Tiospaye in Lakota.
So I thank our spiritual guides for providing the solution on how to continue this 25 year mission!
Around 2000, Cathy and I co-facilitated a Keys of Enoch Study Group in Broward County for two years. We were certified facilitators by the Academy for Future Science and count it as one of our more amazing experiences. Dr. J. J. Hurtak has brought to the world an incredible book of spiritual and scientific prophesy, The Keys of Enoch, truly galactic.
Cathy and I were recently reading the book again and Key 217:29 caught our eye. It was part of the revelation we received, and we thought we would share it, because it's pretty obvious the time is NOW. The quote has a Kabbalah feel to it, so keep that in mind when you read it. The part that most relates to Medicine Signs is underlined.
[Just a note, YHWH is the name of God, the Tetragrammaton, in mystical Judeo-Christian History. Also, the Office of the Christ does not confine itself to Christianity, but refers to the Cosmic Christed Light within all of us. Archangel Metratron is a key archangel, and Maitreya and Melchizedek are both High Ascended Masters. Enough explanation.]
"The Beings of Light who serve YHWH will establish Academies for Future Science as bases for scientific training in Metatron's name; they will establish Academies of Light as bases for spiritual education in Maitryea's name; and they will establish Melchizedek life stations as bases for galactic unity and regency of the Office of the Christ upon the earth...." In so doing, the Lightworkers of the world will help transform our sciences and our governments away from darkness and destruction. We will finally become responsible galactic citizens living in harmony, light and love with all of God's creations.
So, we realized that for the past 25 years we have been one of those many thousands of Academies of Light and Life Stations that transcend traditional religions and spiritual traditions--fitting for us as Universalists, since we honor all that serve the Light.
Okay, enough suspense. What will our Renaissance look like?
To begin with we will launch The Medicine Signs Renaissance at a very appropriate occasion, our 25th Silver Anniversary Birthday Party, which will be held on Saturday Evening, January 27th. Come and celebrate with us at the beginning of this New Year for all that we have done together and our new beginnings--our Renaissance. Everyone is invited who has ever had anything to do with Medicine Signs and wants to join us for a joyous evening.
Regarding The Renaissance, First, it is a call to spiritual arms for all Lightworkers. Key 217:15 states: "The upheavals that are moving upon the face of the earth are in consequence of the great cleansing that is taking place throughout the heavens. The Order of [Archangel] Michael is purifying all realms of intelligence beginning at the highest level of creation...." Astrologically, this is the time of chaos out of which will come order; the storm before the calm. Referring to Key 217:24, Our future governments will be led by the Sons and Daughters of Light who fought victoriously "not against blood and flesh, but against the spiritual darkness behind the worldly rulers..." So, which side of the playing field do you want to be on, dark or light? We know where we want to be. How about you? If you can't see the clear choices appearing before you in our government, sciences and daily life right now, please open your eyes and know that you are called.
To enhance our continuing role as an Academy of Light and Life Station for spiritual education, starting in February 2018 we will begin holding Sacred Circles again, once a month on the second Sunday of the month. It will be held in the evening in our South Broward Spiritual Center with a potluck supper. However, these will not be like the Sacred Circles of the past twenty years. We will retain your favorite elements of the prayers and meditations, of course, but these will be much more education-focused. They will be like a mini-workshop, a study and discussion Circle on specific spiritual topics, sometimes with guest speakers. You will come away much more enlightened each month.
We will continue the monthly Underground Study Group (last Sunday of the month), Cathy's Tarot and Merkaba Classes, Tom's Ministry I and II Courses, and periodic Free Tarot Night, Karma Healing Meditation Circles and Past Life Healing Circles.
The church has not been self-supporting in the past, so we need you to be responsible Lightworkers and step up to the plate. From now on the Suggested Donation is $15 or more for all Sacred Circles, The Underground, and other healing circles. Since these are monthly events, you should be able to afford this donation, Medicine Signs will not turn anyone away for financial reasons, but we expect you to meet us half way.
Since the Sacred Circles will be a regularly scheduled monthly event, this should make it much easier for Miami-Dade and Broward residents to attend. The distance is really not that far, as we are just a mile north of the Hard Rock Miami Dolphins Stadium. We will help people coordinate car pools if they need them.
So, there you have it. The Medicine Signs Renaissance. We look forward to seeing you at the Silver Anniversary Party on Saturday, January 27th and the first Sacred Circle on Sunday, February 11th.
Ho Mitakuye Oyasin (Lakota for "We are All Related!"
Love and Light,
Tom and Cathy