Medicine Signs Spiritual Center
A Universalist Church & Spiritual Teachings Center
Serving South Florida, the United States and the World since 1992
Social Life
Over the years, Medicine Signs has provided a number of social activities for singles, couples and families including: camping retreats, canoe and kayak trips, snorkeling trips, bike hikes in the Everglades, church parties, Spirit Fairs, children's Sacred Circles, restaurant parties, Bingo Nights, Free Tarot Nights, and so on. We are open to your suggestions, so come join in the fun. Some examples are shown in the slideshow on the home page and click on the pictrues below for the full story.
Really, we know where we're going!
We were the only team to walk the entire 12 hours of the relay without stopping.
Hiking along a Florida Trail
Young admirers at our Earthdance table.
Come as your favorite spiritual guide.
Spirit Night has an Art Fair, Readings, Massages, Apothecary, Spiritual and Art Items for Sale--and lots of fun.
Pizza Night at the Miami Planetarium.
Party at Madelyn's!
This beach picnic went on into the night.